Murder Fit for a King (Remake- Professional Identity Through Portfolio Development)
(Jan 2019- May 2019)
This is a remake of the project Murder Fit for a King, for the Professional Identity Through Portfolio Development module in trimester 2 of my 4th year at university. The original was a 3-man group project, but this one was made almost exclusively by myself. Murder Fit for a King is an interactive audiobook I worked on, which was based on the concept of being a “Rashomonesque” audio experience based loosely on three characters from The Sagas of Ragnar Lothbrok. The story revolves around a murder mystery. I chose this project to rework as I thought there was significant room for improvement on the previous iteration, and that I wanted to see what it would be like with more of my work, rather than just being partly my work. For this version, I wrote 7 of the 8 scripts, performed and recorded the Foley, and recorded the vocals and sound effects. I also used some library samples. I then edited, processed, and mixed the audio, and reworked the website. The audio was prepared in Pro Tools and Ardour and the website was made using Wix.
Murder Fit for a King (Digital Storytelling)
(Sep 2017- Dec 2017)
An interactive audiobook I worked on as part of a group for the Digital Storytelling module in trimester 1 of my 3rd year at university. The concept was a “Rashomonesque” audio experience based on The Sagas of Ragnar Lothbrok. The story revolves around a murder mystery. I undertook this project as I thought the concept of Rashomon was very interesting and it was a concept I had not come across before. I contributed towards the planning of the audiobook and wrote 7 of the 8 sections of the script. I worked on the sound design for 1 of the 3 main parts of the story by recording some of the sound effects and one of the main vocals and by using some library samples. I then edited and processed this audio. I also made the Facebook page and helped with the website design. The audio was prepared in Pro Tools and Ardour and the website was made using Wix.